Christopher Flury
Warehouse Wisconsin Region
Full Name:
Christopher Flury
When did you start with Painters?
May 2024
What is your job title?
Warehouse Wisconsin Region
What do you like most about your job?
The challenge of working alone.
What is your favorite job throughout your lifetime?
20 Years in the United States Navy as a Diesel Mechanic.
What makes you happy?
My family and my 7 grandchildren
What do you like to do for fun, as a hobby, or special interest?
Working with Veterans, advocating for Homeless Vets, advocating to stop Veteran Suicide, I ride a 2017 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited Low , my wife and I ride and love the open road with several Veteran brothers and sisters. Playing Bags ( Corn Hole )
Tell us something interesting or extraordinary about yourself.
I went to traditional college at 47 years old and challenged myself to graduate a month before my 50th birthday with my Bachelors degree. I did it !!!
Tell us something that everyone doesn't already know about you.
I am part of a traveling exhibit called Warrior ink, I have a small bio and pictures that travel around Wisconsin. I advocate to break the stigma of tattoos are an art form and not of negative connotations . I love it when people ask about my ink.