Carla Pineda
Integrations Coordinator
Full Name:
Carla Pineda
When did you start with Painters?
November 2024
What is your job title?
Integrations Coordinator
What do you like most about your job?
The amazing people I get to work with.
What is your favorite job throughout your lifetime?
My favorite job was as a recruiter, I had the chance to help many people make it out of very tough situations. I still keep in touch with some of them and I love to see them prosper in life.
What makes you happy?
My family, my boyfriend Miguel (hopefully my fiancé soon), and my puppy Lily. They are all my pride and joy.
What do you like to do for fun, as a hobby, or special interest?
I like to cook, read, color, and go shopping!
Tell us something interesting or extraordinary about yourself.
I believe that the way I can empathize with every single person I come across is impressive. My mom says I have a heart of gold.
Tell us something that everyone doesn't already know about you.
My dream job was to be a social worker in a Juvenile Hall.