Industrial and Commercial-Grade Power Washing Services.
We specialize in eradicating dirt, grime, mold, and other contaminants from industrial and commercial spaces, employing techniques that safeguard your facilities, equipment, and personnel. Our power washing services promise a thorough cleanse without compromising the integrity of your valuable assets.
We specialize in eradicating dirt, grime, mold, and other contaminants from industrial and commercial spaces, employing techniques that safeguard your facilities, equipment, and personnel. Our power washing services promise a thorough cleanse without compromising the integrity of your valuable assets.

Commercial and industrial structures are exposed to dirt and stains of all kinds, including chemical residue, oil, vehicle exhaust, grease, grime, tread marks, mineral deposits, graffiti, mold, and mildew. No matter the cause and how long it’s been neglected or postponed, we can safely clean up any markings and residue with high pressure power washing and cleaning.
Our industrial washing units are capable of shooting water at pressure levels of 6,000 PSI and flow levels of 8 GPM. And our teams are safety-conscious and well-trained to carefully channel that power into pure cleaning productivity. We protect all structures, equipment, and people so that none of your valuable assets and resources are ever put at risk or in harm’s way.
Industrial cleaning that’s environmentally friendly
Industrial cleaning is dirty business, which can be a challenge for companies with environmental protection goals, not to mention EPA and local water system regulations. Rest assured when choosing Painters USA for your industrial cleaning challenges and requirements. We are knowledgeable on the latest industrial cleaners and degreasers, including a growing number of eco-friendly options.
New formulations magically target only the contaminants that need removing. And since bio-safe cleaners are free of toxic chemicals, no special storage or disposal requirements are necessary. That said, you can always count on Painters USA to properly collect and dispose of waste water in compliance with all applicable EPA and local water system rules.
See Power Washing Projects We’ve Done

Problems You Have That We Can Solve
A property’s exterior cleanliness plays a crucial role in its curb appeal. Over time, dirt, grime, and algae can make surfaces look neglected, reducing the attractiveness.
Mold and mildew not only look unsightly but can also cause health issues and damage to property surfaces.
Siding covered in dirt, dust, and biological growths can undermine the structural integrity and insulation properties of your facility.
Commercial properties often accumulate grease and grime due to higher foot traffic and activities. Our power washing services are designed to handle large-scale cleanings
Not sure if Power Washing is the right fit for your facility? We've got you covered.

Why choose Painters USA?
Maintenance is disruptive. You need a team that gets in and out ASAP. That’s why we pride ourselves with our large, well-trained crews that meet your deadlines and minimize downtime – our speciality!
Being on-budget is as important as being on-time, so we prepare accurate estimates and bids for no unwanted surprises.
We aim to meet or exceed quality expectations, backed by warranties and recommending the best materials to balance performance and costs.
For convenience and single-point-accountability, we have the resources and capacity to work across multiple sites in the US, including remote / rural locations.
Our commitment to safety—backed by ISN RAVS Plus® status and an exemplary TRIR rating—reduces workplace hazards and legal / financial risks in your facilities.
Painters USA is fully licensed and insured, and our crews are full-time employees who have undergone thorough background checks.
We are happy to share client references based on your industry or facility challenges and goals for the greatest relevance to your situation.
As a woman-owned business, we can help you diversify and expand your supplier network.
Catch Up on Cleaning
Transform the exterior of your business with our professional power washing services. Enhance curb appeal, protect your investment, and create a welcoming environment for guests or customers. Don’t let dirt and grime diminish your property’s value. Reach out to our experts who are ready to rejuvenate your property’s appearance with our effective and eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
Our happy clients. Both big and small
Achieve a Pristine Commercial Presence.
First impressions are invaluable in business. Maintain the professional appearance and safety of your commercial and industrial facilities with our expert power washing services. Enhance your property’s safety, curb appeal, and longevity. We ensure your property reflects your business’s high standards.
First impressions are invaluable in business. Maintain the professional appearance and safety of your commercial and industrial facilities with our expert power washing services. Enhance your property’s safety, curb appeal, and longevity. We ensure your property reflects your business’s high standards.