Charlie Camacho
Warehouse Coordinator Illinois Region
Full Name:
Charlie Camacho
What name/ nick name do you prefer?
When did you start with Painters USA?
September 2021
What is your job title?
Warehouse Coordinator Illinois Region
What do you like most about your job?
Being able to learn more everyday and helping people around the warehouse, foreman or office staff
What is your favorite job throughout your lifetime?
Constrction work with my dad and uncles
What makes you happy?
Being with my family, relaxing at home.
What do you like to do for fun or hobby?
Playing video games on my free time or watching TV
Tell us something extraordinary about yourself:
Going with my famiy to Cancun for the first time and that being my first time on a plane. I am a #1 cheesehead fan- packers fan and white sox fan
Tell us something everyone doesn't already know about you:
I've had an iguana as a pet