Eric Nichols
Business Development Professional
Full Name:
Eric Nichols
What name / nickname do you prefer?
When did you start with Painters USA?
March 2023
What is your job title?
Business Development Professional
What do you like most about your job?
So far, it's easily the people! Everyone has been really welcoming! All of the dogs don't hurt either 😉
What is your favorite job throughout your lifetime?
I worked Sales and Marketing for a major music distribution company, so I got to see concerts for free!
What makes you happy?
Pretty much anything, my family, my dog, sports, music, movies…I'm generally a happy dude.
What do you like to do for fun, as a hobby, or special interest?
I love to frolf (it's golf with a frisbee!)
Tell us something that everyone doesn't already know about you.
I was once mistaken for a backstreet boy…embarrassment and hilarity ensued.