Painting Assisted Living Centers in Illinois
Painters USA Team — Last updated December 28, 2022
Painters USA has completed several assisted living, nursing home, and hospice painting projects in Illinois over the years. In that time, we've learned a variety of ways to accommodate the needs and desires of those residing in these homes. Assisted living facilities are distinct from nursing homes and hospices, so we'll only concentrate on the former for the purpose of this blog post.
First of all, assisted living centers are essentially apartments. So, while residents pay for their living space, walls and ceilings will probably have to adhere to the facility's specific standards, whether these are aesthetic or health-based, or both. With the health of residents a major concern, only the best paint products should be used, whether it's zero or low-VOC paints. The safest and highest quality cleaning products should also be used. All of this will keep residents from breathing any noxious or odorous paints, which is great for the respiratory and circulatory system—both keys to proper health at assisted living homes.
Painting assisted living spaces will also require flexible scheduling. Some residents might not be too mobile, or otherwise like to spend a lot of time in their living space, so these factors will have to be taken into consideration when painting. Speed and efficiency in the painting of theses spaces are vital, as are exception customer service. Communication with both residents and facility managers is a must.
Careful consideration of furnishings and possessions is essential in any residential paint project, but doubly so in assisted living centers. After a long life, residents will surely have acquired many priceless personal effects, and these possessions should be properly moved, stored, or covered in the preparation stage. Again, experience painting assisted living homes informs future projects of similar purpose. So, if you're a facility manager, be sure to find someone who has actually done this kind of work before.
Finally, because creating a comfortable and well-maintained living space is of paramount importance, Painters USA offers our assisted living facility managers paint maintenance plans that will keep it in tip-top, durable shape for many years to come.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
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