Concrete Coating Removal With Diamond Tipped Grinders
Painters USA Team — Last updated December 04, 2022
As an industrial and commercial painting contractor in the Midwest, covering territory from Iowa and Wisconsin to Illinois and Indiana, we see a lot of concrete surfaces. With that comes a lot of concrete coating removal, inspection and new coatings.
There are a few different ways of removing concrete, but Painters USA often uses Diamond Tipped Grinding for projects.
Why Diamond?
Diamond, if you will recall from school, is the hardest material on Earth. As such, it makes a highly-effective abrasive compared to other options like shotblasting or scarifying. Since it's the hardest material on Earth, it is longer lasting than other options.
How Does Diamond Tipped Grinding Work?
Diamond Grinders feature discs that rotate horizontally and come in a number of versatile attachment types for various applications. The rotary grinding method reduces impact to concrete (about an 1/8 inch depending on the attachment), so less abrasion occurs without sacrificing efficiency. The equipment also leaves a smoother-profiled surface that often looks as good and sometimes better than the original pavement. Diamond is also highly-efficient and generates low amounts of heat. It's also worth nothing that Diamond Grinders are great for decorative concrete with their smooth polish results.
After Grinding
When the concrete surface has been ground and polished, the concrete should be inspected. Once that's done, the concrete can then be stained, painted or sealed, giving the concrete a brilliant, highly-attractive finish.
Though versatile, Diamond Grinders aren't typically used for aggressive concrete coating removal jobs. They are best used for removing thin coatings of stain or paint, or in cleaning and subtly-abrading a concrete surface.
If you have any other questions on Diamond Tipped Grinding, give Painters USA a call at (800) 999-8715.
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