OSHA compliant confined space training.
Assure safety and gain possible time and cost savings with Painters USA’s permit-required confined space expertise.
What confined space training involves
Painters USA provides confined space training to our crew members to prepare them to work safely in tight areas with limited or difficult egress. Topics covered include confined space classifications and entry permits, duties of each team member while working in confined space, and safety hazards and safeguards for working in an excavation area, including various trenching supports.
OSHA confined space characteristics
- Large enough for workers to enter and perform certain tasks or jobs.
- Limited or restricted for entry and exit.
- Not designed for continuous human occupancy.
OSHA permit-required confined space characteristics
- Contains or has the potential for safety or health hazards like fires, explosions, oxygen-deficiency, dust, heat, exposed live wires.
- Contains material like grain or pellets, which have the potential to engulf or entrap an entrant.
- Walls that converge inward or floors that slope and taper downward into a smaller area.
Value to our commercial / industrial clients
Ensure safety
If your facilities include tanks, silos, vaults, tunnels, equipment housings, ductwork, pipelines, trenches, or tight space of any kind, you should look for painting and coating contractors with proven confined space expertise. Due to limited or difficult egress, confined spaces have unique maintenance hazards and complicated emergency rescue and first aid requirements. Confined spaces can also contribute to respiratory issues due to inadequate ventilation. Painters USA gives you the assurance that our crews can work safely and efficiently in confined spaces, in compliance with your requirements and OSHA and MSHA guidelines.
Save time and reduce expenses
In some cases, confined space can be safely and temporarily reclassified, eliminating some or all of the daily monitoring and permit processing steps. This requires pre-planning and conversations up and down the chain of command with all the people responsible for safety and facility management. Our clients appreciate it when we use our experience and knowledge to help them save time and money by consulting with them on safe and effective confined space classification.
About OSHA confined space and other field training
OSHA confined space training covers a wide range of topics, including the characteristics of confined spaces and permit required confined spaces (PRCS), differences between General Industry and Construction confined space, the key components of a confined space plan, the duties of confined space workers and supervisors, identifying the hazards, and understanding ventilation and rescue practices
For more information, view OSHA documentation on Confined Spaces in Construction or Permit-Required Confined Spaces. (Both in pdf format)
Ready to work with certified pros?
One of our team members will respond within 24 hours, or call us at 800-999-8715 between 8am and 5pm central time.