• Commercial
  • Commercial flooring
  • Commercial painting
  • Food and beverage
  • Food safety audit compliance
  • Industrial cleaning
  • Industrial flooring
  • Industrial painting
  • National accounts
  • Worker safety and environmental health

Thriving since 1982, learn about Painters USA’s people, culture, mission, and values.

As a certified female business company, Painters USA is a Tier 1 and 2 business provider that supports diversity goals.

Proud of the highly trained and committed workforce we call family.

Regional and national coverage and national account support from offices in Illinois and Texas.

Read what some of our clients have said about working with Painters USA.

The latest about our company, people, events and other announcements.

Delve into commercial / industrial cleaning, painting, coating, and flooring topics.

Causes we support through financial and material donations and volunteer time.

If you have an active project, click here to request a quote or speak with a sales representative.

Get the information you need about working for Painters USA and view current job openings in our Illinois and Texas regions.

Click here for any other questions or needs. Based on your request, we will direct you to the appropriate person at Painters USA.

Good pay and benefits with training and support at growing commercial / industrial paint and coating contractor.

Put your business skills and experience to work at the values-driven culture of Painters USA.

Safety comes first with OSHA 10/30 card-carrying equipment and services that enhance workplace safety.

Quality delivered with certified equipment in the latest equipment, products and techniques in the industry.

Dedicated to raising mental health awareness by fostering open dialogue, providing resources, and organizing events to support the well-being of our employees and community.

Refresh your building’s exterior and ensure its durability
Improve your interior with durable, low-VOC finishes tailored to your needs
Comprehensive warehouse floor markings and line-striping solutions tailored to your needs
Ready for all heights and types, with certified aerial lift operators
Restore, refresh, and increase the visual appeal of the exterior of your facilities
From pipe labeling to hazard marking, ensure safety and compliance
Coating solutions engineered for enduring performance, aesthetics, and regulatory compliance
Safeguard your installations against the elements with durable coatings
Protect and revitalize your machinery
Safety-focused, compliant painting for difficult-to-access areas
Ready for all heights and types, with certified aerial lift operators
Comprehensive warehouse floor markings and line-striping solutions tailored to your needs
Durable coatings for forklift traffic, slip resistance, chemical resistance, and more
Reliable sealing and caulking for commercial and industrial environments
Transform floors into sleek, resilient surfaces with our concrete polishing.
Durable repair, patching, and resurfacing for industrial and commercial spaces.
Ensure safety and compliance with secure footing for workers and customers
Certified ESD flooring for durability, safety, and compliance
Comprehensive warehouse floor markings and line-striping solutions tailored to your needs
Durability and thermal shock resistance for industrial environments.
Industrial Cleaning

Comprehensive industrial cleaning services. We’re committed to delivering thorough and efficient cleaning solutions that enhance safety, maintain equipment longevity, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Ready for all heights and types, with certified aerial lift operators
From advanced robotics to heavy-duty machines, ensure optimal performance and longevity
Mitigate risk and prevent catastrophic outcomes with professional dust cleaning
Versatile cleaning and surface preparation for industrial needs.
Designed for delicate finishes to heavy-duty industrial cleaning
Eradicate dirt, grime, mold, and other contaminants from your facilities
An innovative, environmentally friendly, and efficient alternative to traditional blasting
Efficiently clean with no water, chemicals, or secondary waste

First Class TRIR Rating.

Low Total Recordable Incident Rate shows reliable OSHA compliance and strong safety record.

What the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) means

Total Recordable Incident Rate or TRIR is a trailing indicator that offers good insights into the effectiveness of a company’s safety programs and practices. Also known as the Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) or the OSHA incident rate, the TRIR rate compares injuries and illnesses across different industries and entities or different operations within a single entity.

As a common base for a specific time period, TRIR can both identify problem areas and indicate when progress is made in the prevention of work-related incidents. Painters USA is happy to provide our TRIR rating to prospective clients upon request.

TRIR formula

TRIR = Number of OSHA recordable injuries and illnesses X 200,000 / Employee hours worked

The number of OSHA recordable incidents is multiplied by 200,000 to represent 100 employees working a 40 hour week for 50 weeks during a calendar year. That number is then divided by the total number of hours a company’s employees worked.

Value to our commercial / industrial clients

No commercial or industrial business, municipality, or any organization wants injuries or illness to occur within their facilities. Assessing the TRIR rating of a service provider like Painters USA can provide another metric for safety assurance.

Because of our good TRIR rating, Painters USA is able to:

Our First Class TRIR Rating is another validation to help prospective clients evaluate our strengths as a painting, coating, and flooring contractor.

How to calculate your incidence rate

Organizations can determine and compare their incident rate by gathering their own workplace injury and illness data and going to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. What’s needed:

By keeping a low workplace incident rate, Painters USA delivers on our promise to make every job site a safer, more pleasant workplace for our clients.

Ready to work with certified pros?

One of our team members will respond within 24 hours, or call us at 800-999-8715 between 8am and 5pm central time.

First Class TRIR Rating.

Low Total Recordable Incident Rate shows reliable OSHA compliance and strong safety record.

Qué significa la tasa total de incidentes registrables (TRIR)

La tasa total de incidentes registrables o TRIR es un indicador de seguimiento que ofrece buenos conocimientos sobre la eficacia de los programas y prácticas de seguridad de una empresa. También conocida como Tasa Total de Incidentes de Casos (TCIR) o tasa de incidentes de OSHA, la tasa TRIR compara lesiones y enfermedades en diferentes industrias y entidades o diferentes operaciones dentro de una sola entidad.

Como base común para un período de tiempo específico, TRIR puede identificar áreas problemáticas e indicar cuándo se avanza en la prevención de incidentes relacionados con el trabajo. Painters USA se complace en proporcionar nuestra calificación TRIR a posibles clientes que lo soliciten.

Fórmula TRIR

TRIR = Número de lesiones y enfermedades registrables por OSHA X 200,000 / Horas de empleado trabajadas

La cantidad de incidentes registrables de OSHA se multiplica por 200,000 para representar a 100 empleados que trabajan una semana de 40 horas durante 50 semanas durante un año calendario. Luego, ese número se divide por el número total de horas que trabajaron los empleados de una empresa.

Valor para nuestros clientes comerciales / industriales

Ninguna empresa comercial o industrial, municipalidad o cualquier organización desea que ocurran lesiones o enfermedades dentro de sus instalaciones. Evaluar la calificación TRIR de un proveedor de servicios como Painters USA puede proporcionar otra métrica para garantizar la seguridad.

Gracias a nuestra buena calificación TRIR, Painters USA puede:

Nuestra calificación TRIR de primera clase es otra validación para ayudar a los posibles clientes a evaluar nuestras fortalezas como contratista de pintura, revestimiento y pisos.

Cómo calcular su tasa de incidencia

Las organizaciones pueden determinar y comparar su tasa de incidentes reuniendo sus propios datos sobre lesiones y enfermedades en el lugar de trabajo y visitando el sitio web de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales. Qué se necesita:

Al mantener una tasa baja de incidentes en el lugar de trabajo, Painters USA cumple nuestra promesa de hacer que cada lugar de trabajo sea un lugar de trabajo más seguro y agradable para nuestros clientes.

Ready to work with certified pros?

One of our team members will respond within 24 hours, or call us at 800-999-8715 between 8am and 5pm central time.